Data Literacy / Tableau Training


Get Value From Data

Working with data is a sought-after professional skill and an increasingly necessary asset for people worldwide, but many are unsure how or where to start. 

Data n Dashboards Data Literacy for All/Tableau training aims to provide data skills fundamentals, regardless of skill level.

Helps you master analytics for personal and professional growth

Learn to measure, describe and summarize data to draw informed decisions

Helps you quickly identify opportunities, and pivot in time to make a difference

Best resources to help you get started and ramp up quickly

Facility for personalized learning recommendations also available.

Business Data Analysis. Financial Advisor Using Analytics
Data n Dashboards


Building Experience & Give High Success Rates

We’re in this business since 2021 and provide the best services

3-days Tableau Training
Tableau Creator e-learning
Adding in users exclusive MS Team for ongoing support

Want to know more about our provided features and its pricing?

Contact us to discuss how we can work together. We have a very flexible pricing schedule, depending on your use case. 

We strongly believe in instilling the data capability within the organisation.
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