A series of online digital dashboards to increase accessibility to data across the housing spectrum.
Housing and Homelessness Dashboards:
The dashboards serve as a comprehensive platform that caters to all local information requirements regarding housing – encompassing topics from homelessness and emergency housing to social housing and assisted living, and extending to market rentals and home ownership.
Below, the dashboards are categorised into seven distinct themes. The dashboards offer:
1: The latest data exclusive to the Western Bay of Plenty sub-region, including granular data for individual suburbs where feasible. 2: A platform to exchange data throughout our region, which is typically hard to procure. 3: A channel to voice and advocate for the particular needs of our sub-region. 4: A resource for everyone to employ facts and data in guiding localised decision-making concerning service provision and catering to local demands.
Home Ownership
Includes the following dashboards:
Building Consents by SA2
Building Consents by TA
REINZ Median House Price & Volume Sold
Tenure of Households
Home Ownership
Social, Public and Transitional Housing
Includes the following dashboards:
Public Housing Supply and Support by Region
Public Housing Supply and Support by TA
Rental Properties
Community Housing Provider Tenancies
New Dwelling Consents Compared to Household
Dwelling and Housing Cost
Housing conditions
Includes the following dashboards:
Damp Dwellings
Mouldy Dwellings
Dwelling Dampness and Dwelling Mould by Household Income