Organisational CRM / ERP Dashboards


Work Together for a
Business Success

Organisational CRM/ERP Dashboards are used for monitoring business performance. The main idea behind the development of these dashboards is to provide real-time business event snapshots, which are used to measure and develop analytics for business reporting.

Helps to maximize organisational efficiency

Developed in Tableau

The dashboards are connected live and updated automatically

Used for any reporting cycle e.g. monthly, quarterly and annual reports

Develop and keep track of tangible business goals

Shared across teams or departments, allowing for inter-company collaboration

Diminish the possibility of data siloing

Business Data Analysis. Financial Advisor Using Analytics
Public Organisations Using Tableau in New Zealand
The Government Housing Dashboard
Ministry Of Housing & Urban Development
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - KiwiCount Demographic Dimension
Public Service Commission (Psc)
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - Victimisation Time and Place
New Zealand Police
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - Activity Behaviours
Sport New Zealand
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - Ministry of transportation
Ministry Of Transport
Organisations Using Tableau NZ
Ministry Of Education
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - Health system
Health Quality & Safety Commission
Organisations Using Tableau NZ
Financial Markets Authority (Fma)
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - electricity dashboards
Electricity Authority
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - ministry of conservation
Department Of Conservation
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - Commerce Commission New Zealand
Commerce Commission
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - Dashboard
Institute of Environmental Science and Research
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - SWS Results
Ashburton District Council
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - Business Intelligence
Masterton District Council
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - waikato population
South Waikato District Council
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - northland
Northland Regional Council
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - waikato regional council
Waikato Regional Council
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - SOLGM
Taituarā – Local Government Professionals Aotearoa
Organisations Using Tableau NZ - Water Quality Index
Christchurch City Council
Organisations Using Tableau NZ
NZ Customs Service
Environmental Health Indicators (EHINZ)
Environmental Health Indicators New Zealand (EHINZ)
Data n Dashboards offers accessibility via visualisations.
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