Level 2: Data Driven

Deep dive in the world of data and dashboards to surface actionable insights

Get access to 800+ datasets, 200+ dashboards, custom LTP dashboards, policy/bylaws dashboards, licenses, training and data/dashboards support

Instilling the data capability within the organisation and community

What’s included in our Data-Driven subscription level?
  • All Features of Data Enthusiast
  • Access to all existing dashboards covering topics on Community Wellbeing and Place Making i.e. Social Wellbeing, Cultural Wellbeing, Economic Wellbeing, Environmental Wellbeing and Demographics
  • Access to all theme-wise dashboards e.g., Child & Youth Wellbeing, Safety, Housing, Health etc
  • Download the full data set associated with the dashboard (Explorer license holder only)
  • Request to add new dashboards as per your requirement (within a reasonable timeframe)
  • Request to add new visualisations within a dashboard as per your requirement (within a reasonable timeframe and usage)
  • Publish theme-wise dashboards for your area in Tableau Public for anyone to access, interact and download visualisations as images (.pdf, .png)
Data Lake
  • Full access to Data Lake Aotearoa New Zealand (700+ datasets) via Tableau Cloud and Snowflake Marketplace
  • Comprises of data from around 40+ organisations
  • Connect with any software of your choice (our recommendation is to use Tableau)
  • All datasets are regularly updated based on data source
  • All datasets are on the most granular level as released by the data source
  • Access to all new datasets that are continuously added in the data lake
  • Request to add any publicly available datasets
  • Access to data dictionary for details on datasets
Collaborative Working
  • Create your own custom visualisation by connecting to Data Lake (within the Data n Dashboards Tableau Cloud Site)
  • Dedicated space for organisation to save work (within the Data n Dashboards Tableau Cloud Site)
  • Share the dashboards with licensed colleagues (within the Data n Dashboards Tableau Cloud Site)
  • Share the dashboards with other subscribed organisations (within the Data n Dashboards Tableau Cloud Site)
  • Ability to enable sharing with specific organisations and users
  • Download your custom visualisations or dashboards as images (.pdf, .png) and share it
  • Download data, analysis and your calculations in excel for further sharing
  • Publish theme-wise dashboards for your area in Tableau Public for anyone to access, interact and download visualisations as images (.pdf, .png) (also in dashboards section above)
Organisation Internal Solution
  • Deployment of organisation’s own Tableau license
  • Setting up of your organisation Tableau Cloud site
  • Setting up of your organisation Tableau Public site
  • Full use of Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep, Tableau Cloud and Tableau Public
  • Ability to create your own dashboards from any dataset which organisation have
  • Ability to connect your internal data with our Data Lake Aotearoa New Zealand for further insights
  • Creating 5 starter dashboards for your organisation (depending on POC Funding via AWS, Tableau and Salesforce)
Ongoing Support
  • Access to all Tableau Desktop Training videos via Data n Dashboards Academy
  • Access to all Tableau Prep Training videos via Data n Dashboards Academy
  • Access to all Tableau Cloud Training videos via Data n Dashboards Academy
  • Access to all Tableau Public Training videos via Data n Dashboards Academy
  • Support in setting up organisation Snowflake account to access Data Lake Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Support in embedding dashboards in organisation website (where possible)
  • 10 hours per year of dedicated full support in any regard of this level of subscription
  • Ongoing support for existing dashboards
  • Ongoing support for existing data lake
  • Access to Data n Dashboards Forum dedicated for this subscription
  • Access to Data n Dashboards Academy dedicated for this subscription

Request a demo

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Select a time in our calendar at the link provided below to discuss it further or write us an email at   [email protected]

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